Monday, March 10, 2008

A Cheating Man

I will never understand why a guy who lies and cheats on someone would turn around and wonder why that person feels differently about them. Then try to turn it around on me by saying I pretty much lied because I said I'd always love him. Well I think when you don't respect someone enough to be truthful about big things like cheating, you deserve to be without that person.
Call me crazy but I found that I couldn't in any way be happy with a person who thought so little of me that lying was so easy for him. I tried to stick around after I found out what he did but I found myself feeling like a piece of crap because this guy treated me awful and I'm supposed to be okay with that and just move on. If I'm not happy, how am I supposed to make my daughter happy and why bring this baby into a broke relationship. I deserve to be happy too and I am so much happier now that I've washed my hands of the whole situation. He doesn't even call to check on the pregnancy but that's his loss.
I guess he'd rather have me be with him and be completely miserable over me just being happy. He apparently doesn't see that's what he'd do to me. Am I being shelfish for wanted to be happy and staying out of a relationship that would do the complete opposite for me? But if I go back to the man who disrespected me and everything he every said we were together, I would absolutely hate me inside for degrading myself enough to be with someone who did me like that.
Either way, I'm happier now and feel much better about myself for standing up for myself since he never would.