Monday, February 2, 2009

Still Feeling Down

Monday, February 02, 2009

It's been almost 2 months since my friend Tom back home passed away. But it's funny how crazy dreams can get old memories running through your mind. It's one of those things that you never see coming and out of the blue, he's gone. Tom was my buddy at work. He was my security guard but spent more time running around trying to help my pregnancy cravings. Either running to McDonald's early in the morning for sweet tea or walking all the way down to the laundry room to get me a root beer. He suffered through changing temperature in the lobby and the back office depending on what I was feeling. He stood at the desk when I was sick in the bathroom and put up with my pregnancy gas. He made my long nights on the audit shift not so boring. I loved to hear him break out into song and sing my favorite Elvis songs and we'd talk for hours about the movies we love and googled to see if there was going to be a squeal to them. He could always make me laugh when I didn't even feel like being at that place we worked at. I guess my favorite memory would be us sitting outside watching the fireworks. I am thankful that he got the chance to meet my son before I moved.I takes me back to when my friend Janet passed away and I wasn't there. I guess that's why their passings stay in my minds, I wasn't there to say a last good bye. They are probably the closes people in my life that I lost. But sometimes they still feel so fresh in my mind. Rest In Peace Janet Evans and Thomas Christopher Meeks (My Tomato)