Sunday, May 11, 2008

Our Summer Plans

I decided that I'm taking my week vacation from this place as soon as I can. That's anytime after July 17th and I'm wasting no time at all and taking it the week of the 20th. That way I can take little Miss Gwen on a road trip before I get even bigger or the baby comes. Sort of like her last 'Whoo Hoo' before she has to start sharing mommy's attention.
Usually everyone is on different schedules so there's never a good time for everyone to go on a family trip together like we did back when times seemed simpler. But now my dad has long since retired, mom my is taking her vacation the same week as me and my little brother had to be bribed with at least one night of dinner at Hooters. So far everything seems to be planned out.
I've decided on a trip to Saint Louis. I'm taking advantage of my employee discount at other Best Westerns and want to stay a few nights. I'm going to take her to the zoo of course and a couple of places I went to on a 5th grade trip to St. Louis. One place is Grant's Farm. I remember going there but I can't recall any details of that place. I know there's animals and she'll love that. The other place is The Magic House Children's Museum. Again it was a long time ago but I do remember that place being pretty cool. We haven't been anywhere fun (my dad's bowling trips don't count) in a long time and she's super excited about going.
Next summer I'll probably take her and Presley to the Indianapolis Zoo and Children's Museum. I figure I'll start him out on a small car trip and work our way up. (His dad lives 12 hours from here and on the off chance he may want to see him, I want to know how he'd take a trip) One summer I want to take them to Memphis. Hit the zoo up of course. Gwen's an animal person and let's face it, zoo are cool. I think so at least. Then you know I'm so going to tour the Graceland Mansion. I freakin' love Elvis and thanks to Disney's Lilo & Stitch, Gwen has turned into a little Elvis fan herself. And since I got the idea for Presley's name from The King himself, it would be a great place for him to see.
That's my long term plan for a family vacation. Not too big but still something fun to do. One day I know I'll be the mother of a teenage girl who very well may think it's 'uncool' to go on family trips with her mom. But I'm enjoying that fact that she's a momma's girl who gets as excited about these things as I do.
That reminds me, if anyone reads this I have some Six Flags St. Louis tickets I got from work. I guess you could call it a 'perk' of a job that emotionally drains me. They're 'kid's price for everyone' tickets. I guess the kid's price it $29.99. I wouldn't know but being pregnant I don't think a theme park would be much fun for me this year. If anyone's going that way this year, let me know. I have like 10 of them.
I'm so looking forward to a fun summer this year and topping it all off with my new baby boy.

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