Saturday, May 31, 2008

Gwen's First Day of Summer Break

Day one of Gwen's summer break the weather was pretty good. She slept in most of the morning. Thank goodness, momma was tired. But by the time we got up the sun was shinning and was already pretty warm. And Gwen being how she is, decided to get in the pool. So she puts on her little bathing suit and go swimming and spent most of the afternoon in the pool. Just a good ole Gwennie time.
Gwen is the type of gal that can sun bathe all day and even burn. I swear, this child will get bright red without all the pain and peeling crap her momma gets and then a few days left she has the beginning of the most perfect tan you'll ever see. I don't get it. So now, after her afternoon in the pool, she's got the starts of a good tan. I'm so jealous.
So Gwen's first day of summer was spent working on her perfect tan. But of course we're looking forward to a great summer vacation.

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