Saturday, January 10, 2009

Peaceful Days

It seems that lately there's been so much going on but when I sit down to write something, I can't come up with anything at all. Christmas was pretty good for the kids. I couldn't get them everything the want like I usually do but I'm going to make that up to the after tax time. We need a shopping spree and I've been a good girl lately with little shit talking, so I deserve one. There's not much to talk shit about since it's been so peaceful around here the passed few months. I'm so glad for that. I was getting tired of hearing shit from people who think everything on here is about them. Them shutting the hell up has been a God send. Gwen raised all her low grades and even raised the ones that were pretty good to start with, she made honor roll this time around and a reading test they took said she's reading at a second to third grade level. I'm so proud of my little girl. She's finally going to get her Wii and I'm replacing her Nintendo DS, it's getting rather broken in and thankfully with us moving back up there, I get to use my brother's dicount on games. I'm going through shopping withdrawals, so it's going to be on.New Years was okay too. We didn't go out but we just stayed home and watched some bowl game and a Hooter's swimsuit competition on TV and the ball drop of course. I did some whiskey shots to bring in the new year. I would have rather been with my mom drinking her margaritas. I don't drink much anymore. Probably again on my birthday and whenever we do get married I was pink champagne. I used to be a heavy drinker, so I don't want to get too used to drinking again.Presley is going to be 6 months old next week. I can't believe that much time has gone by since he was born. He's getting so big and to look at him you can't tell him was premature. He's rolling all over the place and trying like hell to crawl. He's getting more and more vocal and loves spitting bubbles. I can't wait to take him shopping. He loves his Daddy. Presley will watch him walk from one end of the room to the other and back. At night when I can't get him alseep, he'll go right to Daddy's arms and crash. Darryell went back to work after two weeks of vacation and my days suddenly turned to hell. Presley knew he was gone and wasn't liking it. There's so much to look forward to in my little man's life.I'm excited and ready to move back home. As of right now we're leaving in June. Unless I freak out and make us move sooner. I tried it down here and I wanna go home. I'm not going to whine about how much I miss my family. I made up my mind and Darryell's and now I'm up rooting my old man to get my way. H'e excited about moving too. Not looking forward to his first winter up there but excited just the same.Darryell's working with Glenn now in Texas. I'm not sure how long he'll be working there but he's getting a company phone, a gas card and a company truck. I love the big red Clean Harbor trucks. And it's always fun to listen too them bullshitting about work and stuff. We'll sure miss Glenn when we leave. Presley just loves it when his Uncle Glenn comes over. He loves bragging to his girlfriend about how much Presley adores him. Even though Darryell jokes with him saying Presley is his baby, he knows better. Presley looks like his brother James in some pictures and has redish/strawberry blonde hair. Well, what hair he has.That's enough for now. Going to spend then evening with my mother and sister-in-law. So I better get ready to go.

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