Thursday, January 1, 2009


2008 was a pretty exciting year from me. Darryell and I had our ups and down at the beginning of the year but by May we had everything smoothed out and things are going wonderfully. My beautiful baby boy Presley was born on July 19th. He had Darryell and I both stressed out with him coming 5 weeks early but was perfectly healthy and has grown into quite the little butterball. Gwen has came along way. She made it throught Kindergarten and has made a smooth transition to first grade and a new school in a new state and has made new friends. I'm learning to be not so up tight when she's out playing with her friends. We moved to Louisiana to be with Darryell in September. That was the biggest change for me last year. I moved from the city I've called home for 24 years. We didn't even make it to St. Louis on the way down here and I was already crying. In December my friend, Tom, had passed away. Which was kind of a shocker to me. Me seemed fine but had had previous heart attacks. He would was my security guard when I worked overnight shifts at the hotel. And he would have no probably hunting down a root beer or driving to McDonalds to get me a sweet tea at 3 in the morning and could handle my pregnancy gas. He'll be missed.
I'm hoping 2009 we been even more exciting for us. Gwen is going to be 8 and in second grade in the fall and she's going to be growing and changing more and more everyday. Presley has a ton of changes I know he's going to be going through. He'll be 1 in July . There's so much to look forward, his first word, crawling, first, there's so much. We're planning to move back to Indiana by Christmas 2009 and I'm completely excited about that. To be home where I feel more comfortable. We're also planning a trip to Indiana and Las Vegas in June. And hopefully getting married in Vegas. Why not, we're there. And while we're in Indiana we're going to do our hunting for new places to live and new employment for him. I'm hoping to get back in shape and finally start some college classes and just enjoy being Mommy to two beautiful kids.

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