Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It's A Boy

I found out today that I'm having a baby boy! I've been counting down to this appointment ever since my last one. The wait to be called back seemed to take forever and once I was in the sonagram room, I swear I starred at the second hand just ticking away on the clock. Then after what seems like another whole forever, Dr. Sakbun finally got there.
While he was measuring the baby's head, abdomen, spine and heart rate, the sonagram machine's thing ran out of printer paper. Oh man, just when he was getting to the baby's sex, another delay. Just my luck. But after he refilled its paper, I finally got to see that my baby was a boy! Dr Sakbun said he's 1 pound 5 ounces and looks to possibly be an 8 pound baby and his heart rate was 143 BPM. So he's doing great. The baby yawned during the sonagram, so he must have been tired of waiting too.
Now all I have to do is get Gwen to see that a baby brother isn't the end of the world. (She was set on a girl.) I'm sure she'll come around once the time gets closer. Hopefully. I'll keep y'all posted.

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