Thursday, July 24, 2008

5 Days Old

Presley is 5 days old today and he's still in the NICU. Yesterday the way the doctor was talking, it was starting to sound hopeful that he'd be coming home either today or Friday. He had his 'little boy operation' this morning and last night he had his carseat test and passed that. But today at his feeding the doctor said he's a picky eater and doesn't take the same amount everytime and that he didn't know what to tell me about coming home. He wants Presley to eat better before he comes home, I understand that but I hate leaving him there.
I was with Gwen every day and night until I went to work and being away from him for even an hour sucks. I sit around and mope wanting to run back up there and see him. I don't know what I'll do when his dad leaves and goes back to work in Texas (this time). Who else would get up out of a dead sleep at 3 in the morning and take me to the hospital just because I miss my baby boy so much I can't sleep. He's probably more tired then I am just from driving me back and forth. Of course he knows I would walk up there if he wouldn't take me and he don't want Momma to be unhappy. But nothing would make me happier than bring my baby home.
I guess the hope they did put in me today was that I can bring him some of his own clothes when I come up later. That sounds good to me. No more IVs, moved from the heat lamp bed, got his 'little boy operation', she's carseat is up there and now I can bring up his own clothes. It may just be me hoping but it keeps me going. I know he'll be home soon. Until then, I guess I'll take a trip to Babys'R'Us and pick him up something as a coming home gift or maybe just use it as a reason to go baby shopping with Gwen.

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