Sunday, July 13, 2008

6 Weeks Left to Go

I am down to my last 6 weeks of this pregnancy. I'm really starting to feel the pressure he is putting on my now. Ever since he dropped, I feel everything being pulled downward more and more. Mainly after sleeping or sitting down for an extended period of time. I know it won't be much longer now. I've got 2 more weeks left to work. Or I like to say I've only got 8 more shifts to work, them I'm home free. Now making it through those shifts is another story completely. I'm hoping to be able to stay on baby leave through Covered Bridge in October. I've worked in hotels long enough to know, those people will eat you alive around here. And I'm glad I'll be long gone before Sheid Diesel comes to town. I couldn't stay being around drunk hillbillies with their trucks this year.
My friends at work had a baby shower for me on July 6th. I wasn't planning on having a baby shower this time around but it was good to know that at least a few people like me enough to take the time to have one for me. But I did get a lot of the things I was needing for him and enough bath items to get him through for a while. Other than the stuff I got at the baby shower, I did get the swing I wanted, a bath chair, a musical play mat and a Boppy pillow. Which is what my friend Marketa said I totally needed. So, I bought one. I couldn't find a stroller/carseat that I wanted in any store in town, so baby daddy ordered the one I wanted online and it's being shipped here in the next week. How could I not want one with dinosaurs on it. I think it's cute as hell. He's calling it a 'gift' instead of baby momma wasn't happy and wouldn't settle for anything else. But I'm happy with it. All I need now is his crib and highchair when he's ready for them and he's all set. I'm just so ready for him to come. The closer it gets the more excited I get.
I got Gwen some school clothes already so I can be a little bit prepared when school time runs around. I just have to make sure I have money put back for school books. Which won't be cheap if her Kendergarten book fee was like $110.00. But I'm not stressing out over it. If it needs paid, I always make sure her things are paid on time. She's ready for the baby just as much as I am. She gets super excited when she sits and watches him kick and moving around. And then she'll start talking about all she wants to do with the baby. Read to him, feed him, rock him. Everything but changing his diaper...which she will clearly tell you is my job.

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