Monday, July 21, 2008

Presley Garon is Here

Much to my surprise, Presley decided to come a little early. I must have been in labor starting on Wednesday the 16th and I figured it was just false labor pains or more pressure from when he dropped. So I went to bed, got up at 5am the next morning and went to work still feeling crappy. When my boss came in at 9am, she said I didn't look so well and let me go to the hospital to get it checked out. So, on Thrusday the 17th around noon, I was checked in to the hospital to try and stop the labor to buy him some time. I was already 3 cm and was given steriod shots to develop his lungs just in case he did come early.
The pills I was given to start with to stop the labor didn't work at all, so he gave me a shot to stop it. Which seemed to work and got me through the night. On Friday the 18th I was given my usually dose of the pills but it wasn't helping. I laid there in pain for 5 more hours when the nurse checked me and I was up to 4 cm.
With that Dr. Sukbun told the nurse to just let me go with it, give me one more shot to stop the labor long enough to let the second steroid shot to kick in for the baby. I was moved to the delievery room about 2 in the afternoon on Friday. The shot wore off about 9PM and from there it all went so quick. By the time midnight rolled around, I was up to 8cm and everything and everyone was nearly in place. So after a few really good pushes, Presley Garon was born at 1:28 on July 19th.
Thankfully he is a very healthy little boy. He was 5 pounds 12 ounces and 18 1/2 inches long. Good color, great lungs, I feel I'm so lucky there wasn't anything major wrong with him. He did go into the ICU because his blood sugar was low but he's doing great now and will hopefully be home within the next couple days.
With me being discharged on Monday and him still being there, it kills me. I miss my little baby boy so much. I go up there and feed and rock him, all that good stuff as much as I can. This is my first night out of the hospital and I'm not sure how I'm going to deal.
Gwen is so super excited about him being here but a little bummed that she can't see him up close or hold him yet. Heck, he's so tiny, I'm nervous to hold him but I'm getting there. I'll keep you updated on his progress and when he's finally home.

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