Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Blowing Off Steam About Our 'Slumlord'

Alright now, it's really late and I should be going to bed but I need a serious bitch fest about our landlord. He doesn't seem to be running on a full tank of gas. It all starts with little things, like telling us our little weinner dog is going to tear up his fence and to move him to the very back of the yard. So we move him all the way into the back corner. Then he makes a big deal about us bringing the trash cans inside the fence after trash day. But when when we did leave them out there, he pulled his trailer up and unloads trash from it to our trash cans, so we have nowhere to put our trash for the week. He would come over reminding us to cut our grass like some sort of lawn mowing Nazi. He hasn't fixed a thing he said he would have done by the time we moved in. It's been over two months since my parents signed his lease and the roof has yet to be fixed but that didn't stop him from dumping used boards and old shingles in our backyard. But if we would have left junk laying around like that, he'd totally bitch at us. He put a fridge in here that didn't work and even after we told him repeatedly that it wasn't working properly, he left it in here and only once half-ass 'worked' on it and finally took it out of here a few days ago. Thank God we brought ours from Louisiana or we would have been totally screwed.However, what finally did it for us was him filling up our basement with all kinds of his junk and taking our key to it back. Oh but there so much more to the basement full of junk. Apparently, there's stuff down there he's selling to random people. And without any type of warning or even a knock at the door, these said random people come and go in our backyard as they please. The landlord himself is creep enough but me being home alone during the day with the kids, I really freaked out. They might as well have walked through our house and out the back. I hear loud bangs down there and they're lucky we don't own a gun (with bullets). I worry that if they'll just get in the basement (which now has a broken lock, thanks dumbasses), what's stopping them from getting into the house. Since we aren't the only key holders to this place. We have our little dog who sometimes barks at strangers. What dog doesn't. He doesn't bite but I hate for him to feel defensive against these strangers and bite one of them and he has to be put down because of all this shit. But today the camel's back finally broke. I called my mom and dad freaking out because someone was out there. So they come over and my dad calls the landlord over here asking about all his junk in the backyard and why these people can come and go as they please. (My parents are on the lease too, so he can bitch too) Well, the landlord starts a fight with my dad saying he can do whatever he wants like it or not and starts blaming our dog for his cheap ass tiles peeling in the laundry area. So he said since we don't like it, we're out by July 10th. So he's kicking us out because we didn't like the fact that he's done nothing he stated in the contract, he was confronted about letting people come and go in the yard without warning and two peeling tiles. It's complete and total bullshit.My dad thought we were mad about the fight that lead up to us being booted but once I calmed down and thought about it, it couldn't have worked out any better. Since the first day I met Mr. Slumlord, he creeped me out. I didn't feel comfortable in my own house. He always showed up when Darryell wasn't home. And this way, we're not breaking the contract, he's throwing us out. We're in may ways relived. I'm already making plans on how this packing is going to do down. We're going to replace those two tiles that were already peeling. So he can't try to keep our deposit he already said he would give back IF after his walk through, we 'pass'. We'll shell out a whole 75 cents to replace them. First of all, if he wouldn't have used cheap tile to start with, it wouldn't be peeling. And secondly, my dog didn't do it, I accidently made it peel more when I was mopping. Shows what he knows. My mom is trying to get ahold of the man who really owns this house. The guy our landlord can't even make payments too. So he knows what happened incase Mr. Slumlord trys to push anything off on us. But anyone looking to rent and/or buy in Terre Haute, In. He is a total slumlord. He will charge you rent that's way too high for a way too small house, that you can only use half of. He will try to make stupid guide lines like the only place you can put your dog and no hanging of pictures and He will repay you for jumping through his flaming hoops by letting your roof leak, filling up your trash cans with his trash, let strange people in the yard and leave broken appliances in your too small house and blame you and your little dog too for everything he didn't fix to start with. Renter beware. I feel much, much better now. Thank you.

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