Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

For the next month or things around here are going to be pretty busy. A storage unit is opening up this weekend so that means we have to start getting the things we want to take with us ready to move out. Most of it we're probably going to leave behind. A few pieces of furniture will probably go depending on if it's able to be clean professionally. That must be why I loath dogs. Most of it came be junked to minimize the load we're moving. He's giving his mom some cabinets that I don't want We're not supposed to be moving back up there until April but I say I have the money now, let's hit the road. The more I sit and think about it, the less I want to wait that much longer. Gwen and Presley's Grandma is ready and waiting to take the kids shopping. Gwen will no longer have to wear a uniform to school and Presley never will, thankfully.This weekend is my birthday and Valentine's Day. We made plans to go out to a casino and dinner. Which is great, we do need some time out but I'm not wanting to be without my babies. Not even for one night. The only time I was away from Presley was when he was in the NICU for a week and two days. And since I left work, I've been with Gwen every night. Unless we go see the new Friday the 13th movie, then I'm here. It opens on my birthday but the way I've been feeling, I won't want to go anywhere. My engagement ring set came in the other day but Darryell said I can't get the engagement ring until my birthday and the wedding band I have to put up until we do get married. I rallied for the move over the wedding. So we moved it back again.I'm hoping the drama will settle down after we move. It's becoming a bit much. There's always two sides to every story and of course the stories people make up to have a personal pity party but I don't care. Let's make up stuff to make the other person look bad but when it all catches up, someone will feel retarded. Hell, I don't care. I have my babies and I'm getting what I want with this move, so anyone who has something negative to say about that can fuck off because I really don't care. My life is well, my babies are healthy, I'm happy as hell to be moving home or somewhere around there and that's all I need. My kids and I may be spoiled but at least we're respectful to the man who's up rooting his life to make us happy.

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