Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Yet Another Rainy Day

Well, it's another rainy day leading to Presley and I being stuck in the house. The only times we were out this week was to go to some appointments. One of which was a doctor appointment. Not fun for either of us. I take that back, Presley had a good time talking to everyone. He's been sick since Sunday and we're lucky we got him into the doctor when we did or his ear infection could have became worse. Yesterday was the worse. He cried nearly the whole day up until we got to the doctor. Then he was his usual happy self. And of course he was a great baby for his daddy when he got home from work. Poor baby has to take icky medicine every six hours. Darryell and I have been sick right along with Presley. Which makes him being extra fussy at night a little more difficult but we manage to get him back to sleep somehow. Then poor old Darryell has to get up at 5:30, sick to go to work. But he does it, everyday. After working all day he has to come home to me and the baby not looking or acting our best, thanks to this cold.It was my first Mother's Day with Presley. And seeing my kids in the morning makes me see how lucky I am to have them. No matter how late Presley kept me up or even if Gwen is acting stubborn as a donkey getting ready for school. Darryell and the kids got me a mom necklace for Mother's Day. And Gwen planted me a flower and made a card. Which I love. I always love it when Gwen uses her creativity to make me gifts. We had a cookout out at my parents house and my mom was super nice and kept the kids a few extra hours so we could catch up on some sleep. Got to love my mom.Darryell's old dog passed away last week. He expected it but it was still hard when I had to tell him she was gone. She had been swelling in the back legs since she was moved to Darryell's mom's house but it went down before we left. So I let him bring her with us. And a month later, she died. Now we have one dog, Macaroni, and that's nearly enough dogs but I'm talking Darryell into a kitten.We think that something is going to go down with our landlord and the man who really owns this house. The gentleman who owns this place tried to catch us before we paid rent last month but said he'd be back in touch with my parents before next month. Hmmmm...I hope it's interesting. The landlord stalks this house like I owe him child support. When he's the one who has yet to fix the things he was supposd to fix before April 1. We'll see what goes down in the next couple of weeks. My life has lacked drama in the past couple months, so this should be good.Well, Presley is getting up and he won't be happy if I'm not right there.

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