Friday, November 28, 2008


I had a good Thanksgiving considering it was my first one away from my family back home. It made me miss them even more. I had a great time with Darryell's family. I was nervous at first but as usually they made me feel super welcome and like I was part of the family for years. Gwen completely fit it. She played with all the other kids and even rode a horse. I was glad they loved my pies and cookies that I made. I was stressed that they wouldn't like they or even try them. My pies went faster then the pumpkins pies. That made me feel good. Someone even offer to pay me to make some pies for him. Which was odd. My first holiday with them, I wanted to show I can do more than just boil eggs or pick up ice or something. Now I'm preparing recipes for Christmas. I'm not so nervous about the Christmas party with them. Thankfully.
This Thanksgiving I'm so thankful for my family. My daughter who has adjusted very well to the move. She's enjoy her new school now and loves playing with her new friends. My son who despite being born 5 weeks early was born perfectly healthy and no serious problems and has tripled his birth weight and is doing very well. My family back home who I miss very much and hope to be with next Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for Darryell. Who has tried to make the move so easy on me. He works long hours to make sure Gwen, Presley and I have what we want and need. He takes care of things when I'm too tired or sick to keep up on things. And for thanking me every night for all I do around the house and with the kids and tells me how much he appreciates me. I love my family more than anything.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Getting Ready for Thanksgiving

It's getting close to Thanksgiving and it's making me miss my family back home a whole lot. I would usually have to work on the holidays. (The down side of working at hotels, they never close) And last year I worked every holiday up until Father's Day, so I missed a lot around the holidays. I wish now I would have told them to shove it and been with my family but you got to work. This year will be my first holiday season down here with Darryell's family and I'm starting to stress out a little bit. Well, not so much stress but worrying about how I'll handle the family get togethers. I've met most of the family at one time or another since I've been here but all together in a group....I don't know if I'm ready for that. So to get over those worries, I've moved my thoughts to what the kids will wear. I always made sure my kids always look nice when the go anywhere. Once clothes were picked, I moved to what we're going to take. I don't want to be the family they always asked to bring cup or chips or ice too. My mom always hated that. Since I like making desserts, I'll make a couple desserts. I love baking and this is a way to contribute to the family event. His mom said bring whatever you want, so it's on. I'm hoping for a safe holiday this week and I'm looking forward to the kids having a good holiday.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Birthdays, Sick Days and Cold Days

It seems like it was yesterday that my baby girl was born and now she's in the first grade and 7 years old. She had a pretty good birthday. We tried to do the best we could for her since this was her first birthday down here. Darryell thought he was going to go on the road for work the day of her birthday, so we did it a day early. We spent all day baking her a big cake. With the colors and decorations she wanted. Since Darryell did have to go on the road, we took her to Pizza Hut on Friday. She's been wanting to go for a while now. She loved getting packages in the mail from our family back home. And you know how Grandma's do it, after she opened her gift from her Mamaw, nothing else compared to it. Thanks Grandma. So now she's started on her Christmas list.
This weekend everyone started to get sick. Gwen got better real fast but I on the other hand was out of it for a couple days. I'm not 100% yet but it's much better. I have to give Darryell his props, he totally took care of me while I was out. He made sure I got me medicine, kept up on the laundry and dishes, made me breakfast in bed, cared for Presley. Basically, he waited on me hand and foot. Everytime he went out, he'd bring me home something to make me feel better. I was worried he was going to go out of town for work for the week while I was sick. But they keep putting that off, so he's still on his regular shift for now. Now he's sick and I hope I can be as patient as he was with me.
Today Presley is a whole 4 months old. He's getting bigger and bigger everyday. Turning into quite the little butterball. That boy does love his vegetables. He's such as happy baby. He loves to laugh and his whole face lights up when he smiles. It's amazing how Darryell and I made such a sweet baby. It was this date when I got pregnant with him. He came 8 months to the date of his conception. And Gwen came 9 months to the date of Valentine's Day. I guess my kids like coming at the right time. Gwen is starting to come around with the baby. At first she was excited he was here but after seening he mainly ate and slept all the time, she was bored with it. Now that he's getting bigger and notices what's going on, she's always acting goofy for him. When she was out of school for Veteran's Day, they were laying on the bed while I was making Gwen's breakfast, she put him on her lap and gave him his bottle. She's starting to like her role as the big sister.
It's nearing Thanksgiving now. I'm looking forward to Gwen being home from school and Darryell being home with us. I'm a little nervous about going to dinner at his mom's house. I don't know why, I've met a lot of his family and have survived family functions before. But I know it'll be fun and the kids will have a great time.
I guess I better get busy catching up on housework. Since it's just Presley and I today, I'll be able to get things done....hopefully.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Another Week Has Begun

So here I am, another week has started. Just when I think I'm starting to feel better, it starts getting cooler down here. For the past couple weeks I've had Strep-throat and now that it's cleared up (for now), my stomach has been acting up. I think it may be from my lack of sleep. I'm a night person and would rather stay up. Thankfully Presley sleeps until around 5 or 6 AM. So I rarely have to do middle of the night feedings anymore. I'll get used to the colder weather, I'm used to it. All I now is I'm starting to miss the Fall season in Indiana. The smell of the leaves and things like that. I can't say yet if I'll miss snow or now. Knowing my crazy ass, I probably will.
I'm so excited about Gwen's birthday coming up. She reminds us everyday that it's November and her birthday is this month. It's her first birthday away from everyone she grew up with, so we're trying to make it as special as possible for her. Darryell has been thinking long and hard about what to do for her. He wants her first birthday with him to be something she'll remember. He doesn't want to let her down. We spent Sunday while she was in church walking around Toy 'R' Us looking for something for her. He got tons of ideas for Christmas now. We finally settled on something we thought she'd totally enjoy. It really makes me miss my brother's discount at Toys 'R' Us.
Darryell's mom's birthday is the week after Gwen's. After hanging out at her house after church, we were talking about her birthday and not knowing what to get her. But we somehow started talking about my camera and some pictures I've been taking of the baby in black and white and when she showed interest in that, Darryell and I said we'd give her one of our digital cameras. She said we could call it her birthday present. I figure if that's what she wants and it would make her happy, it works with me.
I'm really hoping we'll be able to make it back up to Indiana for my family Christmas party. That would mean the world to me. If I would have known last year during the party, I would have told work to fuck off so I could go. Like they would have cared, I got screwed at every holiday when I worked there anyways. I'm thinking of some great things to get my mom, dad and brothers that are at home. My mom won't be that hard to buy for but my dad and brothers may be a little more difficult. I miss my family so much and I know this holiday season won't be the same without them.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Monday Afternoon

It's always so quite around here with Darryell and Gwen off for the day. Just Presley and I watching TV or turning the radio up loud and dancing together. It doesn't take too long to get the daily cleaning done. Heck, I used to do housekeeping for a living, this is nothing. Less beer cans to clean up. Then when they get home, Gwen's off to play with her friends. If they don't make her cry. Then Darryell shows his protective side when it comes to her. After work, Darryell usually cuddles up on the couch with Presley. He said the hardest part about going back to work wasn't being away from me so much but being away from Presley. He tries to come home for lunch as much as possible. But we always have lunch ready just incase. But now that he's working 14 hour days in Texas, home for lunch isn't going to happen for a while.
Presley and Gwendolyn did a little Trick-Or-Treating around the neighborhood for Halloween. Gwen went as a kitty cat. For the first time in 3 years she wasn't a princess. Which was a shocker. She said next year she wants to be a witch. But we'll see when the time comes. Presley was a fuzzy little bear. She got a lot of candy. I love watching all the horror movies on TV around this time of year. I think I watched nothing but horror movies for two weeks. But after a while you get a little disappointed because they play the same movies over and over again. I complain now but that didn't stop me from watching them everytime they come on. Next year my birthday is on Friday the 13th, so you know where I'll be.
Gwendolyn's 7th birthday is on the 14th of this November. Darryell and I are trying to figure out what to get her. It shouldn't be that hard considering she wants nearly everything. At least that way she easy to please. We do know for Christmas we're going to look into getting her a Nintendo Wii. Darryell and I have talked about getting her one for a while now. And lets face it, Darryell and I are big kids at heart and would totally enjoy one too.
Since we've decided to fly to Vegas to get married, things seem easier now. We already moved it from Jan 8th to May 9th, so moving it again to June was easy. He wanted to do it on Valentine's Day but I wouldn't want it that close to my birthday. It's not all about me. LOL Arrangements for the flight, hotel, babysitter for the kids is pretty much done. We're looking at rings. I know what I want. Now it's just finding it somewhere or having it designed for us. But to have our trip to Vegas, we knew moving back to Indiana we but pushed back as well. And I've even decided to go to Marti Gras the year after. I have to go to Marti Gras at least one time before we move away. But maybe by then I can talk him into a trip to Hawaii.
Presley is getting so big. He's starting to laugh and giggly a lot more. He's wanting to sit up on his own. He's so cute laying there doing a mini crunch trying to get up. Gwen used to do the same thing. He's also tyring to hold the bottle on his own. He'll grab it and end up pushing it out of his mouth and of course it tinks him off something awful. There just something heart warming about listening to him lay there just talking away or the way he'll follow you all over the room with his eyes. I'm so blessed to have such beautiful children. If I had another baby just as sweet as the two I already have, I'll be one happy momma. I've already decided if we have another boy to name him Memphis Allyn. If Darryell wanted a kid named Dakota (Yikes! not going to happen) I can have my son named Memphis. It works well with Presley. And we did settle on a girl name of Emily Gracelyn. So could there be more kids in our future, I sure hope so but not for a while. I give myself baby fever with my baby boy as well as the gals around me. Gotta love kids though.
Well, I guess I'll get back to watching Bridezilla. Gotta love wedding shows. I've been rambling too long and it's not long quite in here since Gwen walked in the door. God love her

More Wedding Plans

I've come to realize that planning a wedding is so not my thing. I've got books of invitations, cakes, places and all that jazz. I've never considered myself to be the wedding type of gal. So after nights of talking about it with Darryell, we've decided to just throw the planning out the window and plan a trip to Vegas instead. It would work as a honeymoon as well. With this decided, we moved the date back to June.
Our plan is when I file my taxes next year, I'm going to put back enough money for a drive up to Indiana. I'm filing on my own so I would get the shaft when and if some of his past bills take their share. He doesn't want me to get screwed. That way my mom can keep the kids for the week we're gone and I can see my family. Then we'd fly out from Indianapolis. We'd either book a chapel ahead of time or find one while we're there for the week. But we are looking at some Elvis wedding packages. We've found some good deals for plane ticket/hotel rate packages. We looked at having it at Memphis before we settled on Vegas. But for what it would cost to rent the Chapel in the Woods at Graceland, we could pay for our plane tickets and hotel room. And the wedding packages we've looked at weren't that bad at all.
Now I feel relieved to have things figured out. We've both excited about this trip. We're still planning on having a party here for the family. But I'd still have to find somewhere to have it so I can have my drink or two. If not, I guess it'll just be Darryell and me, tispy like the old days.