Monday, November 10, 2008

Another Week Has Begun

So here I am, another week has started. Just when I think I'm starting to feel better, it starts getting cooler down here. For the past couple weeks I've had Strep-throat and now that it's cleared up (for now), my stomach has been acting up. I think it may be from my lack of sleep. I'm a night person and would rather stay up. Thankfully Presley sleeps until around 5 or 6 AM. So I rarely have to do middle of the night feedings anymore. I'll get used to the colder weather, I'm used to it. All I now is I'm starting to miss the Fall season in Indiana. The smell of the leaves and things like that. I can't say yet if I'll miss snow or now. Knowing my crazy ass, I probably will.
I'm so excited about Gwen's birthday coming up. She reminds us everyday that it's November and her birthday is this month. It's her first birthday away from everyone she grew up with, so we're trying to make it as special as possible for her. Darryell has been thinking long and hard about what to do for her. He wants her first birthday with him to be something she'll remember. He doesn't want to let her down. We spent Sunday while she was in church walking around Toy 'R' Us looking for something for her. He got tons of ideas for Christmas now. We finally settled on something we thought she'd totally enjoy. It really makes me miss my brother's discount at Toys 'R' Us.
Darryell's mom's birthday is the week after Gwen's. After hanging out at her house after church, we were talking about her birthday and not knowing what to get her. But we somehow started talking about my camera and some pictures I've been taking of the baby in black and white and when she showed interest in that, Darryell and I said we'd give her one of our digital cameras. She said we could call it her birthday present. I figure if that's what she wants and it would make her happy, it works with me.
I'm really hoping we'll be able to make it back up to Indiana for my family Christmas party. That would mean the world to me. If I would have known last year during the party, I would have told work to fuck off so I could go. Like they would have cared, I got screwed at every holiday when I worked there anyways. I'm thinking of some great things to get my mom, dad and brothers that are at home. My mom won't be that hard to buy for but my dad and brothers may be a little more difficult. I miss my family so much and I know this holiday season won't be the same without them.

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