Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Birthdays, Sick Days and Cold Days

It seems like it was yesterday that my baby girl was born and now she's in the first grade and 7 years old. She had a pretty good birthday. We tried to do the best we could for her since this was her first birthday down here. Darryell thought he was going to go on the road for work the day of her birthday, so we did it a day early. We spent all day baking her a big cake. With the colors and decorations she wanted. Since Darryell did have to go on the road, we took her to Pizza Hut on Friday. She's been wanting to go for a while now. She loved getting packages in the mail from our family back home. And you know how Grandma's do it, after she opened her gift from her Mamaw, nothing else compared to it. Thanks Grandma. So now she's started on her Christmas list.
This weekend everyone started to get sick. Gwen got better real fast but I on the other hand was out of it for a couple days. I'm not 100% yet but it's much better. I have to give Darryell his props, he totally took care of me while I was out. He made sure I got me medicine, kept up on the laundry and dishes, made me breakfast in bed, cared for Presley. Basically, he waited on me hand and foot. Everytime he went out, he'd bring me home something to make me feel better. I was worried he was going to go out of town for work for the week while I was sick. But they keep putting that off, so he's still on his regular shift for now. Now he's sick and I hope I can be as patient as he was with me.
Today Presley is a whole 4 months old. He's getting bigger and bigger everyday. Turning into quite the little butterball. That boy does love his vegetables. He's such as happy baby. He loves to laugh and his whole face lights up when he smiles. It's amazing how Darryell and I made such a sweet baby. It was this date when I got pregnant with him. He came 8 months to the date of his conception. And Gwen came 9 months to the date of Valentine's Day. I guess my kids like coming at the right time. Gwen is starting to come around with the baby. At first she was excited he was here but after seening he mainly ate and slept all the time, she was bored with it. Now that he's getting bigger and notices what's going on, she's always acting goofy for him. When she was out of school for Veteran's Day, they were laying on the bed while I was making Gwen's breakfast, she put him on her lap and gave him his bottle. She's starting to like her role as the big sister.
It's nearing Thanksgiving now. I'm looking forward to Gwen being home from school and Darryell being home with us. I'm a little nervous about going to dinner at his mom's house. I don't know why, I've met a lot of his family and have survived family functions before. But I know it'll be fun and the kids will have a great time.
I guess I better get busy catching up on housework. Since it's just Presley and I today, I'll be able to get things done....hopefully.

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