Monday, November 3, 2008

Monday Afternoon

It's always so quite around here with Darryell and Gwen off for the day. Just Presley and I watching TV or turning the radio up loud and dancing together. It doesn't take too long to get the daily cleaning done. Heck, I used to do housekeeping for a living, this is nothing. Less beer cans to clean up. Then when they get home, Gwen's off to play with her friends. If they don't make her cry. Then Darryell shows his protective side when it comes to her. After work, Darryell usually cuddles up on the couch with Presley. He said the hardest part about going back to work wasn't being away from me so much but being away from Presley. He tries to come home for lunch as much as possible. But we always have lunch ready just incase. But now that he's working 14 hour days in Texas, home for lunch isn't going to happen for a while.
Presley and Gwendolyn did a little Trick-Or-Treating around the neighborhood for Halloween. Gwen went as a kitty cat. For the first time in 3 years she wasn't a princess. Which was a shocker. She said next year she wants to be a witch. But we'll see when the time comes. Presley was a fuzzy little bear. She got a lot of candy. I love watching all the horror movies on TV around this time of year. I think I watched nothing but horror movies for two weeks. But after a while you get a little disappointed because they play the same movies over and over again. I complain now but that didn't stop me from watching them everytime they come on. Next year my birthday is on Friday the 13th, so you know where I'll be.
Gwendolyn's 7th birthday is on the 14th of this November. Darryell and I are trying to figure out what to get her. It shouldn't be that hard considering she wants nearly everything. At least that way she easy to please. We do know for Christmas we're going to look into getting her a Nintendo Wii. Darryell and I have talked about getting her one for a while now. And lets face it, Darryell and I are big kids at heart and would totally enjoy one too.
Since we've decided to fly to Vegas to get married, things seem easier now. We already moved it from Jan 8th to May 9th, so moving it again to June was easy. He wanted to do it on Valentine's Day but I wouldn't want it that close to my birthday. It's not all about me. LOL Arrangements for the flight, hotel, babysitter for the kids is pretty much done. We're looking at rings. I know what I want. Now it's just finding it somewhere or having it designed for us. But to have our trip to Vegas, we knew moving back to Indiana we but pushed back as well. And I've even decided to go to Marti Gras the year after. I have to go to Marti Gras at least one time before we move away. But maybe by then I can talk him into a trip to Hawaii.
Presley is getting so big. He's starting to laugh and giggly a lot more. He's wanting to sit up on his own. He's so cute laying there doing a mini crunch trying to get up. Gwen used to do the same thing. He's also tyring to hold the bottle on his own. He'll grab it and end up pushing it out of his mouth and of course it tinks him off something awful. There just something heart warming about listening to him lay there just talking away or the way he'll follow you all over the room with his eyes. I'm so blessed to have such beautiful children. If I had another baby just as sweet as the two I already have, I'll be one happy momma. I've already decided if we have another boy to name him Memphis Allyn. If Darryell wanted a kid named Dakota (Yikes! not going to happen) I can have my son named Memphis. It works well with Presley. And we did settle on a girl name of Emily Gracelyn. So could there be more kids in our future, I sure hope so but not for a while. I give myself baby fever with my baby boy as well as the gals around me. Gotta love kids though.
Well, I guess I'll get back to watching Bridezilla. Gotta love wedding shows. I've been rambling too long and it's not long quite in here since Gwen walked in the door. God love her

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