Friday, November 28, 2008


I had a good Thanksgiving considering it was my first one away from my family back home. It made me miss them even more. I had a great time with Darryell's family. I was nervous at first but as usually they made me feel super welcome and like I was part of the family for years. Gwen completely fit it. She played with all the other kids and even rode a horse. I was glad they loved my pies and cookies that I made. I was stressed that they wouldn't like they or even try them. My pies went faster then the pumpkins pies. That made me feel good. Someone even offer to pay me to make some pies for him. Which was odd. My first holiday with them, I wanted to show I can do more than just boil eggs or pick up ice or something. Now I'm preparing recipes for Christmas. I'm not so nervous about the Christmas party with them. Thankfully.
This Thanksgiving I'm so thankful for my family. My daughter who has adjusted very well to the move. She's enjoy her new school now and loves playing with her new friends. My son who despite being born 5 weeks early was born perfectly healthy and no serious problems and has tripled his birth weight and is doing very well. My family back home who I miss very much and hope to be with next Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for Darryell. Who has tried to make the move so easy on me. He works long hours to make sure Gwen, Presley and I have what we want and need. He takes care of things when I'm too tired or sick to keep up on things. And for thanking me every night for all I do around the house and with the kids and tells me how much he appreciates me. I love my family more than anything.

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