Saturday, June 14, 2008

30 Weeks Pregnant and Everything Else

I can't believe I'm so close to having my baby boy. This pregnancy hasn't been so bad this far. I had all the morning sickness at first of course but by the second trimester, that was all over. Now I'm in the third trimester and of course I'm getting bigger. I mean real big. I don't remember being this big with Gwen at 30 weeks. Maybe Presley Garon will be completely different from his tiny sister. And things aren't going to get better because it's only going to get hotter. Clothes fit anymore, I'll get heavier, more back aches, the whole nine yards. His offical due date is August 23rd, so I've got the summer to go. But I'll start to take bets on when he's coming. I've started my doctor visits every two weeks now. I'm sure that will make the last 10 weeks go by quicker. My last appointment with my sugar test went pretty good. Strong heart beat and the sugar test must have came out good because I haven't heard from them. Thankfully, I was worried there for a minute.
I'm finally able to say I'm almost done rearranging our room to make space for him and all his things. I just have to do some final moving of things (I mean my brother does) and there'll be enough room for his crib. If Gwen and I weren't such girls and have 50 pairs of shoes, there would be more extra space. But I'm mommy, I'll compromise to make room.
I'm glad his dad and I are working through everything. Despite everything that has happened and all the crazy crap, I still love the man. Not only because he gave me my son but because at one time things were good between us. It all fell together so easily and it all seemed to be pear-shaped. We do have a real messed up history but that's how it is now.
We've come to the realization that not everyone is going to be for us. Especially when there's one person who has constantly said this baby isn't his for the fact that I'm the 'whore' who slept with her man. Even though my baby is none of her concern. I've offered him a DNA test from day one because of the fact that we got pregnant so fast. If it was the other guy's baby, I would have a new baby right now and not still have 10 weeks to go. Darryell and I got pregnant the week of Thanksgiving. I know it's his baby and he knows it's his baby and that's all that matters. Heck, my boss knows he's the daddy and our relationship was a big no-no here at work. Yet I still have my job despite people trying to get me fired. We talk about this issue a lot and the only person we decided matters enough to know for sure is his mother. We'll do it for the grandmomma but everyone else can shove it. I'm not hiding anything and I know who my baby's daddy is. As much of a whore people may thing I am, I would never put myself in a situation where I didn't know who my child's father is. I just don't want Presley to lose out on his family on his daddy's side over something so simple. They're his family too.
I think Gwen is growing bored with the whole pregnancy thing. She's just tired of waiting for her baby brother to get here. She knows his stuff is everywhere and that mommy's getting bigger and she's seen the sonogram photos but she'd rather have the real thing. I bought her this fancy little thing that would allow her to hear his heart beat and his movements and she lost interest in that but she does still get excited when we talk about him. Now that school is out, she'll be so busy doing her 'Gwennie' things, that time will start to fly by. She's getting her picture taken next week and I'm hoping she lays off the stunts for a couple days and doesn't do any face dives off anything. The 17th is new movie day and 'The Sword in the Stone' and 'The Jungle Book 2' comes out. That's super exciting. We love movies around my house.
I guess that's about it for now. There's always so much going on. I can hardly keep track of it all.

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