Tuesday, June 17, 2008

June 17th Doctor Appointment

I went to the doctor this morning and everything is going well. The baby is doing great and getting bigger of course. My sugar test came back normal. Thankfully, everyone at work had me worried about it. But all is well there. He didn't do too much. Heart beat is as strong as ever. I go back in 2 more weeks, so I feel like I'm on the final stretch.
I'm only working 6 more weeks before I take my vacation and start my baby leave. That will make the time go by quicker. My count down until my last day of work. Glory, glory, not a moment too soon. I'll probably freak out here before then. Then I'll have time to get everything ready for Presley's arrival. My next appointment is July 2nd, so maybe I'll have something more exciting to report then.

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