Saturday, June 14, 2008

My Baby Daddy

Presley's dad and I have only known each other nearly a year now but for the past 7 months things have been really crazy, heart-breaking and just plain stressful. We got pregnant after seeing each other for only 6 weeks and 2 weeks after that he was sent home to Louisiana. When we got together I was the other woman. Even though he says it wasn't like they were married. He didn't seem happy and we talked a lot about everything and things just sort of went that way. I was seeing another guy on his crew before him and he would always try to get me to see how crappy the other guy was. (The other guy turned out to really be married.) But things with baby daddy just sort of fell into place.
Now 7 months after everything went down, he's still not man enough to put the first woman out despite the fact he doesn't want her anymore. And she's perfectly content living in his house for free, not working while he pays for everything. I think it pathetic that an old woman isn't trying to work to make her own way in life. Of course, who would when you've got it so easy. But what kills me the most is that he's allowing himself to be used and walked all over like that. Even when I hated him, I would want better for him. This situation has nothing to do with the baby and supporting him. I am a grown ass woman who does know how to work to take care of her own. I get nothing from Gwen's dad and she has everything she wants and needs and with or without baby daddy, this baby will be taken care of just fine.
But now he and I are getting along better than we have in the past 6 months and I think it's time he starts to show more respect for himself and not be taken advantage of anymore. After all, this person says this baby isn't Darryell's unless it's in a sentence where I'm the whore, then of course Presley is his son. So my baby boy would never be welcome in his own father's home. (If you can call it a 'home' anymore.) I would hope he wouldn't further risk a relationship with his son to keep someone else happy. His kid's needs should come before anything else. He even said himself that if they stay together, he knows my son wouldn't be treated fairly because I'm his mother. What's that tell you? Put my baby through that, no way. He just thinks he can save everyone and yes, I'll say it, he is being a sucker but it's time to man up and do what has to be done. Let her make a career out of the next sucker.
I know it's a crazy ass situation but how can I be mad about what went down after I walked out. But in the end he's Presley's dad and that won't change no matter what stupid things he does. He needs to show respect for himself completely before he can totally respect me and be serious about us and a relationship with his new baby.

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