Saturday, October 18, 2008

Considering Another Move

I've only been down here in Louisiana about 2 months and it's not a bad place or anything like that, it's just that I miss back home real bad. I'll never say I regret moving down here because at one point it was exactly what I wanted. Me wanting to make a move back home has nothing to do with the area or Darryell's family or anything like that. I love them to death and would make sure they have plenty of time with the kids until something is decided. I would just rip them out of their lives or anything stupid or shelfish like that. Like I said, I miss what I had. Maybe I'm being a patsy about everything or a big baby but I want to move back. Darryell sees it in me everyday that I'm not completely whole anymore. I miss my family, my friends and as crazy as it sounds, my job. It was a decent job, I worked for idiots but it paid the bills plus everything we needed and wanted. I miss the little things I would do with my family. Simple things like watching movies and making fun of anything we seen. Going to Wal-Mart with my brother and him taking forever in the game aisle. Going to my brother's pro shop and just sitting around listening to everyone there. Taking Gwen bowling on Saturday mornings. I miss going to Family Video every Tuesday seening if they put any good movies on sale. Stupid stuff like just sitting around with my brother talking about all the funny crap that's happened to us and laughing until we could barely breathe.
Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to finally be where Darryell is for more than a week before he's on the road again. I thought I'd be whole once we were finally together as a family unit but I loss a piece of me when I left everything behind. Once we no longer have to worry about what to do with this place and all the junk in it, it will be set to move on and get a different place with new junk to fill it. Before he didn't know what to do with this place, so me coming down here made since. But once that's taken care of, it's all up in the air. We have been looking at houses/apartments and employment options in Terre Haute and also Indianapolis. Once we've gotten ahead enough and have things lined up somewhere else, I'm hoping to hit the road.
Gwen has mentioned a couple times about going 'home'. Usually after talking to her Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Bubby or when I ask her why she doesn't want to go to school. She misses her old school. I think she's just getting bored with school here. They're doing stuff she already knows and she's bored with it. Darryell wants up both to be happy and this is what would make me happy and his more than willing to do this for me. Gotta love a man who'll do anything to make me happy.
So hopefully things will work out. I'm surrounded by people most of the time, yet I'm lonely inside for the home I left behind.

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