Saturday, October 25, 2008

Saturday Randomness

It's been a pretty boring Saturday. Darryell had to work today. Which I can't really complain about. It's more overtime. Now that he's back at work I'm starting to feel like the stay at home mom type. Instead of an unemployed person. I'm starting to find good ways to spend my time so everything gets done and it's not all going to hit me at once. It's gets lonely around here with Gwen in school and the baby sleeping most of the time. Yesterday I organized all the DVDs. It was quite a task. I'm real anal about them being in alphabetical order. I think once I'm confident enough to go to town by myself without having to call someone to come find me, I'll have more to do.
Last night Gwennie had her first sleepover with her friend Sage. I don't try to deny the fact that I'm a very over protective mother. So last night was probably the longest night of my life. I didn't want to go to sleep incase she wanted to come home. My mind kept wandering, just worrying about her. I got up with Darryell at 6 AM and made a bed in the living room so I could be near the door when she did come home. When Presley and I woke back up, I was going back and forth between the window and the door, watching for her. And of course, she came home just as happy as can be. I need to learn to loosen up.
We've been watching all the scary movies that have been coming on. It's my favorite time of year because of all the spooky movies on. Friday night we watched the Halloween movies and this morning I watched some Frankenstien movies. With some Night of the Living Dead thrown in there. Can't beat the classics. Now if only there was some Nightmare on Elm Street to watch. I'd be good.
I found out that my Grandma is in the hospital. They think she had a heart attack. She's been in and off of the hospital for as long as I can remember. I just hope that everything is going to be okay with her. She's the only grandparent I've ever had. My grandma on my daddy's side past away when I was a baby. And both my grandpa's past before I was born. So she's been the only one. Sure she rides our butts a lot but that's what she good at. Getting everyone in gear. I'm glad I was able to see her before I came down here and hopefully I'll be able to see her for Christmas. I want her to see me get married. She was one of the few people along with my mom who said go for it when I'd bring up moving down here. I wish I could just get up and go see her. Another reason why I miss being back home so much.
I've been getting lots of wedding catalogs to keep me occupied on the long, lonely, boring days while Darryell is at work. But going over cakes, invitations, favors and all that jazz is so much. I think as soon as we settle on a place, a theme and our colors everything else will come together nicely. Gwen's birthday is coming up real fast. She's given us a list of what she wants and everytime something new comes on the TV, she adds that to the list. I don't know what we're going to do for her birthday yet but I'm sure we'll come up with something soon. For Halloween this year she wanted to go as a cat. For the first time in 3 years, she didn't want to be a princess. And I think Presley is going as a pea pad. They're going to be so cute.
Well I guess I'll go bake some cookies and continue watching FearFest. Gotta to love some scary movies.

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