Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wedding Ideas

I've come to realize that planning a wedding isn't the easiest task I've ever came up against. There's so much to think about. Where to have it and when. Where to have a reception, what will we serve, liquor, decorations. Right now it's feeling a little overwhelming. I know I don't want it to be too traditional. I'm not really that type of person. I'm more of a run off to Vegas or doing it at city hall and having a huge ass party afterwards. But I'm trying to find a comfy medium. We've discussed the Vegas thing (thanks to helpful tips from our friend Penny who got married there) or we've thought about doing it in Memphis. Then I thought about having it at his mom's church. It seemed easy enough but then where to have a reception. If we did it at the church, there would be no liquor allowed or at his mom's house. And I do enjoy a drink or two, so that just won't work.
I've been looking into some other places and trying to get a general idea of what I want to do. One thing I thing we're considering is a place called Myrtles Plantation. I wanted to go there after the wedding as sorta of like a honeymoon. It's a haunted plantation and it would be something we would enjoy and just be alone for a weekend. (I know a haunted honeymoon isn't too romantic but what the hell, I'm not into traditional things anyways.) Then when we're looking into room rates and thinks like that, we see that they have wedding and reception facilities. I think it's a totally awsome idea. Getting married in one of the 'most haunted houses in America' is something I would totally be up for. We have seven months to figure out something that will be great for both of us. He just wants to get married. If he had his way, we'd get married next week. I would usually be down for that. However, I'm the one one wants a wedding, traditional or not. If I only get married once in my lifetime, it's going to be something I'll remember. On the other hand I've been watching 'Amazing Wedding Cakes' and 'My Big Redneck Wedding', who knows where I'll end up with some of the crazy ideas that are being put in my head.

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