Saturday, October 4, 2008

Random Midnight Thoughts

I know I really should be in bed. It's only a few short hours before Presley is due for a feeding. But I sit here watching TV about some cool ass haunted houses. It makes me wanna go to Eastern State Penitentiary. How can you beat a haunted house type deal in a maximum security prison. It's sounds like something I'd totally be up for. I'm up for anything creepy. I guess I'll add that one to the list of places I want to see someday along with Lizzie Borden's house, a place called the Hangman's House and a laundry list of haunted hotels I want to spend the night in. And I'm sure there's some crazy voodoo places around New Orleans or something like that.
Unlike the supposed ghost stories from the hotel I worked in. Third floor was creepy but I still think it was the mold monsters living in the walls or the picture frames, if you were in the right room. Now that's creepy. I had my whole theory that if the Best Western in Terre Haute ever caught on fire again and wasn't able to be brought under control, it would end up like "The Mist" or something. A mold cloud would consume the south end of town and what comes with it, who knows. But all that is just my ramblings on really how nasty that place is. Management isn't too bright either.
I was standing outside eariler while Darryell walked the dogs before they came inside for the night and I could hear the cows just a mooing away across the highway. It's completely different from where I'm from. There's cows at the end of the road we live on, the landlord has goats and pigeons, the cows across the highway, there's frogs and lizards everywhere. Back home I did live in an area where you'd hear the frogs all summer and when it's cool in the in early mornings we would go outside and there'd be tons of deers eating berries in our front yard but all these farm animals are different to me. And I'm sure a camera freak that I'm always trying to get pictures of them. Such a tourist.
Tomorrow night I think I'll start a family night deal. We can just play a board game. None of this PS or Xbox stuff. A good old fashion board game. Or maybe a movie night or something. I want this mainly because with Gwen making friends and playing most of the afternoon, she always seems to fall asleep right after dinner. This way I can have time with her but she can still have plenty of time with her friends. She's been like my best friend since she was born, I know it's time to let her be a little girl. Even if that means I have to share her.
I guess I should get a few hours sleep before they baby gets up. He may surprise me and sleep the rest of the night. But he's a hungry boy and won't miss any feedings if he can help it. He'll go from sound asleep to pissed because he's hungry and he's hungry right them. He's such a good baby and is staying to smile up a storm. But I think he saves the best ones for Daddy but at least he's forming a bond with his Daddy. I think it's important to have a good relationship with his Daddy. And I'm glad I got over my pig-headed ways and realized what I would have been screwing Presley out of. His Daddy. And I may do a lot of crazy things but I didn't want that to be one of them.
I am going to sleep. Enough random ramblings from a semi insane manic bi polar crazy person. Or something to that effect.

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