Thursday, September 18, 2008

Gwen's First Day of School in Louisiana

Miss Gwen is finally back in school now. Today Darryell and I took her up there to met her teacher and all that good stuff. She's pretty excited to start school up again. That was until this morning. She got up, ate her breakfast, put her uniform on and that's when she got nervous. I could tell she was scared. Heck, I was scared for her. I would have gave anything to take her place. It's got to be hard to start at a new school. I'm still sitting here freaking out because she'll be riding the bus home and she's never done that. We always dropped her off and picked her off. I'm thankful that our friend Glenn's son Justin rides the same bus and will make sure she gets off the bus and on it in the mornings. But I'm her mommy and she's my little girl.
I've done the laundry, the dishes and now I'm sitting here with Presley. And it's only noon. I know this panic mode won't stop until that bus pulls up and she gets off of it. Until then, I'm just waiting for 3:30 to walk down to Floyd's house to wait for that darn bus to pull up.

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