Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Living With Darryell

Everything is so totally different living here. I'm not used to this sort of thing. I've pretty much done things on my own and now there's actually someone there helping me. Like the surprise I get when he gets up with Presley at night or Darryell fussing because I'd rather do the dishes by hand over the dishwasher. (Yeah, I know, I'm weird) Having him there to just watch a movie or share a special moment with the baby is something I'll get used to in time. He's been so sweet with the whole deal for me. Being away from my family and 900 miles from the only home I've ever known. We're hoping to get back up there for Christmas, so Presley can spend his first Christmas with my parents. Since he'll have so many down here. Plus I had to leave a truck load of my DVDs there.
We're slowly getting things put back in order around here. We left when Hurricane Ike was heading this way. Which is another thing I'll have to get used too. Hurricanes....yikes! I'm still not completely unpacked and there's movies and baby things everywhere but as soon I do a once over on the place and throw out the junk that's been taking up space way too long, everything will fit into place. His mom is going to make me strawberry curtain for the kitchen. (I want to decorate it in strawberries) And slip covers for the couchs and lavender things for the bathroom (that's my color) and stuff like that. All it needs is a woman's touch and my God it needs it fast. LOL Anyways, I'm settling in just fine. Now all I need to learn is getting around this town. Since Darryell is going back to work within the week and I'll have to drive myself but there is my buddy Dean. I'll figure it out soon enough.

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