Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Monday Night Wrestling

Anyone who knows me, knows that wrestling is so totally not my thing but Darryell likes to watch it with his buddies on Mondays. I figure he watches every horror movie I put in the DVD player, so I can give a little and watch some wrestling with him. I mean heck, it I didn't like it, I could come home. I honestly haven't watched wrestling since I was a dumb teenager and think it's the most redneck thing ever besides NASCAR. Even though I had no clue how any of these guys were or what the heck was going on but I did enjoy hanging out with the kids, Darryell and his buddies Glenn, Floyd and Dale. Going something with the group and not being unsociable and staying home doing nothing alone.
I missed hanging out with Darryell and Glenn together. When them two get together and start talking about funny crap that happened at work or start bashing on people, it's the funniest shit. It's always funny to get them going about the dumb ass Clean Harbor guys I knew.
I may not become a big fan of wrestling but to spend extra time together as a family, I'll try anything once. I'm willing to try out things Darryell enjoys doing. After all, it's not all about me anymore. Relationships are give and take. And I'm willing to give as much as he his.

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