Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Past 6 Weeks

Oh my goodness! It's been so long since I've written a blog. My past 6 weeks have been extremely busy. Presley has a problem keeping his milk down all the time and sometimes our nights are very long and I don't get much sleep anymore. But I'm used to not sleeping a whole lot. It's getting better though. He's a very good baby and I can't complain about a thing. Even with all the throwing up he does, it hasn't effected his weight gain. At his last doctors appointment on August 18th, he was up to 7 pounds 14 ounces and is probably over 8 pounds now. He's finally starting to grow into the newborn clothes he has. He's spoiled as heck of course. He's so precious, I don't wanna put him down but I'm getting better about it. His dad came up here when the hurricane was heading towards Louisana, so he has a chance to spoil him a little. He hadn't seen Presley since the day he got out of the hospital and it was nice that he had a chance to see the baby again. His mom and brother came up here too. So, they got to meet him for the first time as well.
Gwen started 1st grade on August 19th. She was excited about going back to school. She picked out her outfit she planned on wearing days in advance and changed her mind several times. When I was walking her into the school, she started getting nervous and saying her belly hurt. Then she started shaking. And I swear if she would have started crying, I would have started crying too. I've always been that way with Gwen. If something is really bothering her or she's upset, it hurts me too. In many ways, she's like my best friend. But of course, once the nerves wore off she was great and had a wonderful time with all her friends and making new ones. She's really doing great in school. They're reading the same books she's been able to read since before she even started kindergarten. She was excited about that. She came home and drug off her books off the shelf going over them again. I know she'll be fine.
That's pretty much all I've been up too. Doing the mommy thing. Which is my favorite thing to do. Making sure Gwen's homework is done and all that good stuff. Plus all the fun of having my baby boy with me. Soon he'll be moving around and all that good stuff. Then Gwen will be able to play with him more. I can't wait for that. With plenty more pictures to come.

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